Monday, April 30, 2007

Twunts and Fucktards in a SuperThunderStingCar

Sometimes I wonder what sort of people it is I go to Uni with. I have some lovely friends, and I wouldn't swap them for the world, don't get me wrong. However...there are some serious tools hanging about the Media School. I was in a lecture this afternoon and I noticed someone in front of me had a PDA/Blackberry type thing. This is all very normal in the Barleyesque style-over-substance world that is Bournemouth Media School. But here's the thing, they were playing noughts and crosses on it. PAPER AND A PEN NOT GOOD ENOUGH!? What made it worse was that one of them kept losing. Now I don't know about you, but I haven't lost a game of noughts and crosses since I was about 13 or 14. Nor have I won a game. Because you always draw....because it's so simple. Apparently not. It was making me cringe, I almost wanted to shout... DON'T PUT A NOUGHT THERE YOU TWUNT, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT FUCKTARD HAS GOT ONE IN EITHER CORNER?!?!?
In other news, I went to see Pete and Dud Come Again at the Lighthouse in Poole tonight. It was a great show, the chap playing Dudley Moore was particularly good. Gog from Peep Show was playing Peter Cook, and I thought he was good, but didn't really touch on the sex appeal of Mr Cook and instead just kept on the smug/bitter/jealous side. He was very good though, as was the play in general.
So now I'm enjoying my Cook & Moore DVDs. Love those leaping nuns.

Sophie Niesden x


Blogger Pynchon said...

Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. They were great, weren't they?

Blogger Sophie said...

Certainly indeed yes and very much so!


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