Thursday, June 15, 2006

It went wherever I did go.

Fish, fish fishy fish......

My goldfish which has been living at my Dad's house has sadly passed away... after 14 years!!!!!
That's a fookin old fish!

So this post is dedicated to Sybil the fish, who, like the queen did not want to die.

The queen's 80th birthday was celebrated at St Paul's this morning. Even though her birthday was on the 21st April. I say it's too late now....I'm with Larry David on this one. It's bad enough having a half- birthday too, what more does the old bat want?

In other news, I leave the seaside in a couple of days... This is upsetting, as I have only just started to tan. Home gets the sunshine too, but it's just not as much fun sunbathing on a patch of grass. I like getting sand everywhere. You should see my bed. It's got castles, a moat, and every night I bury myself in the sand to drift away....

And tonight, I sing.

AAAND, Henman seems to be playing well. What's going on with the world!?

Best fishes

Sophie x

P.S. ********disclaimer******* This is not my fish. I got it off google images, apparently his name is "Jon the goldfish". Big up Jon.


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