Here we go round the Chemis Tree

This will mean nothing to anyone but myself, Sydney Smith, Vicki (no point giving her a pseudonym, cos the name's there) and Mrs Coulson, our chemistry teacher. I have been assured she is stalking me out gill, i know where you teach.
Basically this is a play on her name, we put a "mc" in front of it you see. And favourite is "bunsen burger and marble chips"...we were doing an experiment on marble chips that day. About reacting, surface area etc, usw.
Oh and "limp n wan" is all about the jumpers she used to wear. They were those cowl neck jumpers in pastel colours that were so in fashion Anyhew, these, jumpers were limp, and yes....WAN. Much like her face. Which was messy.
Oh AND (I keep coming back to this blog when I'm about to post it!) she used to wear bright blue eyeshadow, and stare really strangely at the board close up.
Sydney Smith and I once made a card for her out of a worksheet we were meant to have done. Instead of being annoyed that we hadn't done the work, she said, in her undulating bizarre voice, "I keep things like this". Maybe she still has it....
See, I could be on that 'Law of the Playground' programme.
So, 3 blogs a day is enough, so I must leave.
Sophie x
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